Attendance (CBO Application)


This module helps in logging the attendance of each individual in a register and creating the muster roll for a particular week.


This module has 2 associated screens : View Register Inbox Track Attendance Table Screen

MDMS Configurations

User actions

On this page, the following actions need to be performed: The CBO Admin needs to select the date range from the Date Picker.

On the Selection of any date from the Picker, the whole week gets selected by default. On Selecting the particular week, and Clicking on Apply, the user can view the pre-saved attendance log for the respective week User can change the attendance log for each individual, And then click on the Save as Draft button to save the attendance log,

The user can submit the muster roll, On Click of submit the muster roll, the user will be asked to fill in the skills for each individual, After filling skills of each individual, the user can submit the muster roll for that particular week

Validations If a Date range is not selected or cleared, the Save as Draft Button will throw an error to select the date range Submission of muster roll depends upon the CBOMusterSubmission MDMS Config

isEndOfWeek && selectedDateRange!.endDate >

code": "END_OF_WEEK",            "value": "end of week",            "active": false

If END_OF_WEEK is false, the user can create the muster roll on any day of the week, else user can submit the muster roll on or after the last day of the week (i.e. Sunday) If there is an existing muster roll for the selected range, and the muster is in workflow,

Track Attendance page will be a view page, else it will allow to log attendance and submit muster roll Based on the Attendance Hours list, users will be allowed to mark the attendance as Full Day, Half Day, or absent. If the list is of length 2, users will be allowed to mark only Full and Absent, Else, users can mark half-day as well.

API Details


DIGIT Components and Custom Components Used

Localization Configuration and Modules

Reference Files/Links

  1. Blocs :

  1. Models :

  1. Repositories:

  1. Screens

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