UAT Test Case Scenarios
On this page:
Poject Creator
Create Search View Modify
Junior Engineer Implementation Expert
Project Viewer
Search View
Junior Engineer Implementation Expert
Estimate Creator
Inbox Create Search View Edit
Junior Engineer Implementation Expert
Estimate Verifier
Inbox Search View Verify and Forward Send Back
Junior Engineer Assistant Engineer
Technical Sanctioner
Inbox Search View Technically Sanction Send Back Send Back To Originator Reject
Assistant Executive Engineer Executive Engineer Municipal Engineer
Estimate Approver
Inbox Search View Approve Send Back Send Back To Originator Reject
Executive Officer
Work Order Creator
Inbox Create Search View Edit
Program Cordinator
Work Order Verifier
Inbox Search View Verify and Forward Send Back
Assistant Executive Engineer Executive Engineer Municipal Engineer
Work Order Approver
Inbox Search View Approve Send Back Send Back To Originator Reject
Executive Officer
Muster Roll Verifier
Inbox Search View Edit Verify and Forward Send Back To CBO
Junior Engineer Assistant Engineer
Muster Roll Approver
Inbox Search View Approve Send Back Send Back To CBO
Assistant Executive Engineer Executive Engineer Municipal Engineer
Create Organization Search Organization View Organization Modify Organization Search Wage Seeker View Wage Seeker Modify Wage Seeker
HRMS Admin
Create Employee Search Employee View Employee Modify Employee
Bill Creator
Inbox Search View Create Edit
Junior Engineer Assistant Engineer
Bill Verifier
Inbox Search View Verify and Forward Send Back
Assistant Executive Engineer Executive Engineer Municipal Engineer
Bill Approver
Inbox Search View Approve Send Back Send Back To Originator Reject
Executive Officer
Bill Viewer
Inbox Search View
Estimate Viewer
Inbox Search View
Dashboard Viewer
Mukta Dashboard
CBO Admin
all actions of CBO app
CBO Users
Login & Home Page
Landing Page
1. Language selection option is provided and allowed to select one of the 2 language English/ Odiya. 2. Select a language and then continue, login page is dislayed.
User is able to select desired language and able to move to login page.
All Rolls
Login Page
Enter the correct username, password, select a city and click on continue to login.
User is landed on Home Page with all the content displayed in the langugae selected.
All Rolls
Enter the wrong username, password, select a city and click on continue to login.
Incorrect credentials error/ validation message displyed.
All Rolls
Search Organization [Home Page > Oraganization]
Click on "Organization" to opens search organization and to search by below parameters 1. Ward 2. Organization type 3. Name of the organization 4. Organization ID 5. Created from Date 6. Created to Date * Created from and Created to dates are considered as one paramter as date range.
User is able to search Project by supplying at least one or multiple parameters value.
On search of an organization search result is shown as given below. 1. Organisation ID 2. Name of the organisation 3. Organisation Type 4. Organisation SubType 5. Address 6. Status
Desired records are displayed as searched result.
Create Organization [Home Page > Oraganization]
On search organization page, 'Create Organization' button is provided and on click of it create organization page is opened.
1. Create Organization page is opened and able to capture below details. 1.1) Name of the Organisation 1.2) Registered by department 1.3) Department registration number 1.4) Date of incorporation Functional Details 1.5) Organization Type 1.6) Organization Sub-type 1.7) Functional Category 1.8) Class/ Rank 1.9) Valid From 1.10)Valid To Location Details 1.11) City 1.12) Ward 1.13) Locality 1.14) Street Name 1.15) Door No./ House No Contact Details 1.16) Name 1.17) Mobile number 1.18) Email Financial Details 1.19) Account Holder’s name 1.20) Account type 1.21) Account number 1.22) Transfer Code 1.23) Identifier Type 1.24) Identifier Value 1.25) Bank Name 1.26) Bank Branch 1.27) Tax Identifier 1.28) Identifier Type 1.29) Identifier Value
Fill all the details with realistic values and click on create organization
1. Organization details gets saved into system and success page is displayed alogn with organization ID. 2. In case of any technical glitch, error is handeled and a failure page is displayed.
From Create Organization screen both CBO and vendor organization records are allowed to entered.
User is able to created CBO as well as Vendor.
View Organization [Home Page > Oraganization]
On search result organization ID is a hyperlink and click of it view organization page is opened.
Organization complete details is dsiplayed as entered into system.
Modify Organization [Home Page > Oraganization > View Organization]
From view orgaization details page an action menu 'Modify Orgaization' is provided. Click on Modify Organization.
1. Organization details is opened into editable mode. 2. User is able to change the contact detail. 3. In case same contact detail is used for another CBO record, validation message is displayed 4. User is able to change in the details and save the record successfully.
Wage Seeker
Search Organization [Home Page > Wage Seeker]
Click on "Wage Seeker" to opens search wage seeker and to search by below parameters:- 1. Ward 2. Wage seeker name 3. Wage seeker Id 4. Mobile number 5. Social Category 6. Created from date 7. Created to date * Created from and Created to dates are considered one paramter as date range.
User is able to search Project by supplying at least one or multiple parameters value.
On search of a wage seeker search result is shown as given below:- 1. Wage seeker ID. 2. Wage seeker name 3. Father's/Husband's name 4. Social category 5. City 6. Ward 7. Locality
Required records are displayed as searched result.
View Wage seeker [Home Page> Wage Seeker]
On search result Wage Seeker ID is a hyperlink and click of it view organization page is opened.
Organization complete details is dsiplayed as entered into system.
Modify Wage Seeker [Home Page > Wage seeker> View wage seeker]
From view wage seeker details page an action menu 'Modify Wage Seeker' is provided. Click on Modify Wage Seeker.
1. Wage seeker's details is opened into editable mode. 4. User is able to change in the details and save the record successfully.
Search Project [Home Page > Projects]
Click on "Project" menu opens search project and allowed to search by below parameters:- 1. Ward 2. Project type 3. Project name 4. Project ID 5. Created from date 6. Created to date *Create from and Created to dates are considered as one paramter as date range
User is able to search Project by supplying at least one or multiple parameters value.
Project Creator Project Viewer
On search of a project search result is shown as given below:- 1. Project ID 2. Project name 3. Location 4. Estimated Cost
Desired records are displayed as searched result.
Project Creator Project Viewer
Create project [Home Page > Projects]
On search project page, 'Create new project' button is provided and on click of it to open create project page.
1. Create new project page is opened, and able to capture below details 1.1) Project sanction date 1.2) Project name 1.3) Project description Project Details 1.4) File reference number 1.5) Project type 1.6) Targert demography 1.7) Estimated cost Location Details 1.8) Geo location 1.9) City 1.10) Ward 1.11) Locality Relevant Documents 1.12) Proposal documents 1.13) Finalised worklist 1.14) Feasibility analysis 1.15) Others
Project Creator Project Viewer
Fill all the details with realistic values and click on create project
1. Project is created and success page is displayed with below options. 1.1) GO TO HOME PAGE 1.2) Create an Estimate for Project Created.
Project Creator Project Viewer
View Project [Home Page > Projects > Search Project]
1. Search a project using the search project feature. 2. From search result, clicking on the Project ID to open project details page.
Complete project details is dsiplayed same as entered into system.
Project Creator Project Viewer
Modify Organization [Home Page > Project > View Project]
From view project details page select 'Modify Project'.
If the estimate is created for the project. Validation message is displayed. Else Project details displayed in editable mode.
Project Creator Project Viewer
Project details is opened into editable mode, edit the details and click on 'Modify Project'.
1. Changes are gets saved, success page is displayed. 2. Changes are reflecting on project details page.
Project Creator Project Viewer
Project PDF
From view project details page, download link is provided to donload project details in PDF
User is able to download the details in PDF.
Project Creator Project Viewer
Inbox [Home Page > Estimates]
Click on Estimates from home page, opens Estimate Inbox page.
The estimate inbox page is displayed.
Estimate Creator Estimate Verifier Technical Sanctioner Estimate Approver
From the Estimate inbox Page, Click on Search Estimate service link
Search estimate page is opened.
Estimate Creator Estimate Verifier Technical Sanctioner Estimate Approver
From the Estimate inbox Page, Click on Create estimate service link
Search project page is opened.
Estimate Creator Estimate Verifier Technical Sanctioner Estimate Approver
Search the inbox estimates by below parameters. 1. Estimate number 2. Project ID 3. Project type
Desired estimate/s is/are searched and displayed in the inbox.
Estimate Creator Estimate Verifier Technical Sanctioner Estimate Approver
Filter the inbox estimates by below parameters. 1. Assigned to me 2. Assigned to all 3. Ward 4. Workflow States
Desired estimate/s is/are searched and displayed in the inbox.
Estimate Creator Estimate Verifier Technical Sanctioner Estimate Approver
The estimate verifier gets below action when opens the estimate from inbox. 1. Verify and forward 2. Send Back
User is able to see the actions mentioned in test case.
Estimate Verifier
The estimate technical sactioner gets the below actions when opens the estimate from inbox. 1. Technical Sanction 2. Send Back 3. Send Back To Originator 4. Reject
User is able to see the actions mentioned in test case.
Technical Sanctioner
The estimate approver gets the below actions when opens the estimate from inbox. 1. Approve 2. Send Back 3. Send Back To Originator 4. Reject
User is able to see the actions mentioned in test case.
Estimate Approver
On Verify and Forward, workflow pop-up window is opened
1. User is able to select the technical sanctioner's name, add the comments and forward it. 2. Optionally, without selecting a name and adding a comment, user is able to forward it. 3. Estimate is placed in the technical sanctioner's inbox.
Estimate Verifier
On Technical Sanction, workflow pop-up window is opened
1. User is able to select the approver's name, add the comments and forward it. 2. Optionally, without selecting a name and adding a comment, user is able to forward it. 3. Estimate is placed in the approver's inbox.
Technical Sanctioner
On Approve, workflow pop-up window is opened
1. User is able to add the comments and approve it. 2. Optionally, without adding comment, user is able to approve it. 3. Estimate is removed from inbox and workflow is ended.
Estimate Approver
On Send Back, workflow pop-up window is opened
1. User is able to add the comments and send it back. 2. Optionally, without adding comment, user is able to send it back. 3. Estimate is placed in the previous user's inbox.
Estimate Verifier Technical Sanctioner Estimate Approver
On Send Back To Originator, workflow pop-up window is opened
1. User is able to add the comments and send it back to originator. 2. Optionally, without adding comment, user is able to send it back to originator. 3. Estimate is placed in the estimate creator's inbox.
Technical Sanctioner Estimate Approver
On Reject, workflow pop-up window is opened
1. User is able to add the comments and reject it. 2. Optionally, without adding comment, user is able to reject it. 3. Estimate is removed from inbox and workflow ended.
Estimate Approver
Search Estimate [Home Page > Estimates]
Click on "Search Estimate" from estimate inbox opens search estimate and enable search by below parameters:- 1. Ward 2. Project type 3. Project name 4. Estimate Number 5. Created from date 6. Created to date *Create from and Created to dates are considered as one paramter as date range
User is able to search an estimate by supplying at least one or multiple parameters value.
Estimate Creator Estimate Verifier Technical Sanctioner Estimate Approver
On search of an estimate search result is shown as given below:- 1. Estimate Number 2. Project name 3. Location 4. Prepared by 5. Status 6. Estimated Amount
Desired estimates are displayed as searched result.
Estimate Creator Estimate Verifier Technical Sanctioner Estimate Approver
Create Estimate [Home Page > Estimates > Inbox > Create Estimate]
1. Click on "Create Estimate" from Estimate Inbox, opens Search Project page to search a project for which estimate to be created. 2. Open project by clicking on the Project ID to view the project details and from the actions select the action "Create Estimate".
1. Create Estimate Page is displayed with below details. 1.1) Estimate Type 1.2) Project ID 1.3) Project sanction date 1.4) Project Name 1.5) Project Description Project Details Estimation Details 1.6) SOR/ Non-SOR Items 1.6.1) Description 1.6.2) Unit 1.6.3) Rate 1.6.4) Quantity 1.6.5) Estimated Amount 1.7) Overheads 1.7.1) Overhead 1.7.2) Fixed/ Lumpsum/ Percentage 1.7.3) Amount 1.8) Labour and Material Analysis 1.8.1) Labout Cost 1.8.2) Material Cost 1.9) Relevant Documents 1.9.1) Detailed Estimate 1.9.2) Labour Analysis 1.9.3) Material Analyis
Estimate Creator
1. Fill all the details with realistic values and click on Create Estimate. 2. Workflow pop-up window is displayed to capture the estimate verifier name and commnet if any. 3. Select the estimate verifier's name, add comment and then forward the estimate. Optionally without selecting name and adding comment estimate can be forwarded.
Success page is displayed with the success message and estimate number.
Estimate Creator
View estimate [Home Page > Estimates > Inbox > Search Estimate]
1. Click on Search Estimate from inbox page and then search an estimate. 2. Click on Estimate Number from search result.
Estimate details page is opned with the details as entered into system.
Estimate Creator Estimate Verifier Technical Sanctioner Estimate Approver
Estimate PDF
From Estimate details page, download link is provided.
On click of download, estimate details is downloaded in PDF
Estimate Creator Estimate Verifier Technical Sanctioner Estimate Approver
Work Order
Click on Work Orders from home page, opens Work Order Inbox page.
The Work Order Inbox page is displayed.
Work Order Creator Work Order Verifier Work Order Approver
From the Work Order Inbox Page, Click on Search Work Order service link
Search Work Order Page is opened.
Work Order Creator Work Order Verifier Work Order Approver
From the Work Order Inbox Page, Click on Create Work Order service link
Search Estimate Page is opened.
Work Order Creator
Search the inbox work orders by below parameters. 1. Work Order Number 2. Project ID 3. Project type
Required work orders are searched and displayed in the inbox.
Work Order Creator Work Order Verifier Work Order Approver
Filter the inbox work orders by below parameters. 1. Assigned to me 2. Assigned to all 3. Ward 4. Workflow States
Required work order are searched and displayed in the inbox.
Work Order Creator Work Order Verifier Work Order Approver
The Work Order Verifier gets below action when opens the work order from inbox. 1. Verify and forward 2. Send Back
User is able to see the actions mentioned in test case.
Work Order Verifier
The Work Order Approver gets the below actions when opens the work order from inbox. 1. Approve 2. Send Back 3. Send Back To Originator 4. Reject
User is able to see the actions mentioned in test case.
Work Order Approver
On Verify and Forward, workflow pop-up window is opened
1. User is able to select the approver's name, add the comments and forward it. 2. Optionally, without selecting a name and adding a comment, user is able to forward it. 3. Work Order is placed in the approver's inbox.
Work Order Verifier
On Approve, workflow pop-up window is opened
1. User is able to add the comments and approve it. 2. Optionally, without adding comment, user is able to approve it. 3. Work Order is removed from inbox and placed to CBO for acceptance/ declination.
Work Order Approver
On Send Back, workflow pop-up window is opened
1. User is able to add the comments and send it back. 2. Optionally, without adding comment, user is able to send it back. 3. Work Order is placed in the previous user's inbox.
Work Order Verifier Work Order Approver
On Send Back To Originator, workflow pop-up window is opened
1. User is able to add the comments and send it back to originator. 2. Optionally, without adding comment, user is able to send it back to originator. 3. Work Order is placed in the work order creator's inbox.
Work Order Approver
On Reject, workflow pop-up window is opened
1. User is able to add the comments and reject it. 2. Optionally, without adding comment, user is able to reject it. 3. Work Order is removed from inbox and workflow ended.
Work Order Creator Work Order Approver
Search Work Order [Work Orders > Inbox > Search Work Order]
Click on "Search Work Order" choose any options from the following parameters below:- 1. Ward 2. Project type 3. Project name 4. Work Order Number 5. Status 6. Created from date 7. Created to date * Create from and Created to dates are considered one paramter as date range.
User is able to search a work order by supplying at least one or multiple parameters value.
Work Order Creator Work Order Verifier Work Order Approver
On search of a work order, search result is shown as given below:- 1. Work Order Number 2. Project Name 3. Name of CBO 4. Role of CBO 5. Location 6. Status 7. Amount
Required work orders are displayed as searched result.
Work Order Creator Work Order Verifier Work Order Approver
Create Work Order
1. Click on "Create Work Order" from Work Order Inbox, opens Search Estimate to search an approved estimate for which work order to be created. 2. Open estkimate by clicking on the estimate number to view the estimate details and from the actions select the action "Create Work Order".
1. Create Work Order Page is displayed with below details. 1.1) Project ID 1.2) Project sanction date 1.3) Project Name 1.4) Project Description Work Order Details 1.6) Name of CBO 1.7) Organization ID 1.8) Role of CBO 1.9) Name of officier in-chanrge 1.10) Designation of officier in-charge 1.11) Project Completion Period 1.12) Work Order Amount Terms and Conditions Relevant Documents 1.13) Ward Committee Proposal 1.14) ULB Committee Proposal 1.15) Others
Work Order Creator
Role of CBO is auto-polulated based on the work order amount.
1. Work order amount is more than 15 Lakhs, CBO role is implementation partner and not editable. 2. Work order amount is less than or equal to 15 Lakhs, CBO role is implementation agency and can be changed to IP by the work order creator.
Work Order Creator
1. Fill all the details with realistic values and then click on Create Work Order action. 2. Workflow pop-up window is displayed to capture the work order verifier's name and commnet if any. 3. Select the work order verifier's name, add comment and then forward the work order. Optionally without selecting name and adding comment also work order can be forwarded.
Success page is displayed with the success message and estimate number.
Work Order Creator
View Work order [Home Page > Inbox > Search Work Order]
From the Search Result, Work Order ID is a hyperlink, click on it View Work Order Page is opened.
Work Order details page is opned with the details as entered into system.
Work Order Creator Work Order Verifier Work Order Approver
Work Order PDF
From Work Order details page, download link is provided.
On click of download, Work Order is downloaded in PDF
Work Order Creator Work Order Verifier Work Order Approver
Muster Roll
Inbox [Home Page > Muster Rolls]
Click on Muster Roll from home page, opens Mutser Roll Inbox page.
The Mutser Roll Inbox page is displayed.
Muster Roll Verifier Muster Roll Approver
From the Mutser Roll Inbox Page, Click on Search Mutser Roll service link
Search Mutser Roll Page is opened.
Muster Roll Verifier Muster Roll Approver
Search the inbox Mutser Rolls by below parameters. 1. Mutser Roll ID 2. Project Name 3. Oranization Name
Required Mutser Rolls are searched and displayed in the inbox.
Muster Roll Verifier Muster Roll Approver
Filter the inbox Mutser Rolls by below parameters. 1. Assigned to me 2. Assigned to all 3. Ward 4. Workflow States
Required Mutser Rolls are searched and displayed in the inbox.
Muster Roll Verifier Muster Roll Approver
Workflow [Home Page > Muster Rolls]
The Muster Roll Verifier gets below action when opens the Muster Roll from inbox. 1. Verify and forward 2. Send Back CBO 3. Edit
User is able to see the actions mentioned in test case.
Muster Roll Verifier
The Muster Roll Approver gets the below actions when opens the Muster Roll from inbox. 1. Approve 2. Send Back 3. Send Back To CBO
User is able to see the actions mentioned in test case.
Muster Roll Approver
On Verify and Forward, workflow pop-up window is opened
1. User is able to select the approver's name, add the comments and forward it. 2. Optionally, without selecting a name and adding a comment, user is able to forward it. 3. Muster Roll is placed in the approver's inbox.
Muster Roll Verifier
On Approve, workflow pop-up window is opened
1. User is able to add the comments and approve it. 2. Optionally, without adding comment, user is able to approve it. 3. Muster Roll is removed from inbox and workflow is ended.
Muster Roll Approver
On Send Back, workflow pop-up window is opened
1. User is able to add the comments and send it back. 2. Optionally, without adding comment, user is able to send it back. 3. Muster Roll is placed in the previous user's inbox.
Muster Roll Approver
On Send Back To CBO, workflow pop-up window is opened
1. User is able to add the comments and send it back to originator. 2. Optionally, without adding comment, user is able to send it back to originator. 3. Muster Roll is sent back to CBO.
Muster Roll Verifier Muster Roll Approver
Search Muster Roll [Home Page > Muster Rolls > Search Muster Roll]
From Inbox Page, click on "Search Muster Roll" choose any options from the following parameters below:- 1. Ward 2. Project type 3. Project name 4. Muster Roll ID 5. Status 6. Created from date 7. Created to date * Create from and Created to dates are considered one paramter as date range.
User is able to search a work order by supplying at least one or multiple parameters value.
Muster Roll Verifier Muster Roll Approver
On search of a muster roll, search result is shown as given below:- 1. Muster Roll ID 2. Project Name 3. Name of CBO 5. Location 6. Status
Required Muster Rolls are displayed as searched result.
Muster Roll Verifier Muster Roll Approver
View Muster Roll [Home Page > Muster Rolls > Search Muster Roll]
From the Search Result, Muster Roll ID is a hyperlink, click on it View Muster Roll Page is opened.
Muster Roll details page is opned with the details as mentioned below. 1. Muster Roll ID 2. Work Order Number 3. Project ID 4. Project Description 5. Name of CBO 6. Role of CBO 7. Muster Roll Period 8. No. of wage seekers 9. Total attendance (in days) 10. Quantity of work (In days) 11. Total Wage Amount Attendance Details Workflow Timelines
Muster Roll Verifier Muster Roll Approver
Muster Roll PDF [Home Page > Muster Rolls > Search Muster Roll > View Muster Roll > Download]
From Muster Roll details page, download link is provided.
On click of download, Muster Roll is downloaded in PDF
Muster Roll Verifier Muster Roll Approver
Billing & Payments
Click on Billing from home page, opens Bill Inbox page.
The Bill Inbox page is displayed.
Bill Creator Bill Verifier Bill Approver
From the Bill Inbox Page, Click on Search Bill service link.
Search Bill Page is opened.
Bill Creator Bill Verifier Bill Approver
Search the inbox bills by below parameters. 1. Bill Number 2. Project ID 3. Bill Type
Required bills are searched and displayed in the inbox.
Bill Creator Bill Verifier Bill Approver
Filter the inbox bills by below parameters. 1. Assigned to me 2. Assigned to all 3. Ward 4. Workflow States
Required bills are searched and displayed in the inbox.
Bill Creator Bill Verifier Bill Approver
The Bill Verifier gets below action when opens the bill from inbox. 1. Verify and forward 2. Send Back CBO 3. Edit
User is able to see the actions mentioned in test case.
Bill Verifier
The Bill Approver gets the below actions when opens the bill from inbox. 1. Approve 2. Send Back 3. Send Back To CBO
User is able to see the actions mentioned in test case.
Bill Approver
On Verify and Forward, workflow pop-up window is opened
1. User is able to select the approver's name, add the comments and forward it. 2. Optionally, without selecting a name and adding a comment, user is able to forward it. 3. Muster Roll is placed in the approver's inbox.
Bill Verifier
On Approve, workflow pop-up window is opened
1. User is able to add the comments and approve it. 2. Optionally, without adding comment, user is able to approve it. 3. Muster Roll is removed from inbox and workflow is ended.
Bill Approver
On Send Back, workflow pop-up window is opened
1. User is able to add the comments and send it back. 2. Optionally, without adding comment, user is able to send it back. 3. Muster Roll is placed in the previous user's inbox.
Bill Verifier Bill Approver
On Send Back To Originator, workflow pop-up window is opened
1. User is able to add the comments and send it back to originator. 2. Optionally, without adding comment, user is able to send it back to originator. 3. Muster Roll is sent back to CBO.
Bill Approver
On Reject, workflow pop-up window is opened
1. User is able to add the comments and reject it. 2. Optionally, without adding comment, user is able to reject it. 3. Bill is removed from inbox and workflow ended.
Bill Approver
Search Bill
From Inbox Page, click on "Search Bill" choose any options from the following parameters below:- 1. Ward 2. Bill Type 3. Project name 4. Bill Number 5. Status 6. Created from date 7. Created to date * Create from and Created to dates are considered one paramter as date range.
User is able to search a bill by supplying at least one or multiple parameters value.
Bill Creator Bill Verifier Bill Approver
On search of a muster roll, search result is shown as given below:- 1. Bill Number 2. Project Name 3. CBO Name 4. Bill Type 5. Location 6. Status 7. Bill Amount
Required bills are displayed as searched result.
Bill Creator Bill Verifier Bill Approver
Create Bill [Home Page > Billing > Inbox Page > Create Bill]
1. Click on "Create Bill" from Bill Inbox, it opens Search Work Order Page to search an accepted Work Order for which purchase bill to be created. 2. Open Work Order by clicking on the Work Order Number to view the work order details and from the actions select "Create Purchase Bill".
Create Purchase Bill Page is displayed with below details. 1. Work Order Number 2. Project ID 3. Project Description 4. Location Invoice Details 1. Vendor 2. Vendor ID 3. Invoice Number 4. Invoice Date 5. Material Cost 6. GST Bill Details 1. Bill Date 2. Bill Amount 3. Deductions Relevant Documents 1. Vendor Invoice 2. Measurement Book 3. Material Utilization Log
Bill Creator
1. Fill all the details with realistic values and click on Create Purchase Bill. 2. Workflow pop-up window is displayed to capture the Bill verifier name and commnet if any. 3. Select the bill verifier's name, add comment and then forward the bill. Optionally without selecting name and adding comment bill can be forwarded.
Success page is displayed with the success message and bill number.
Bill Creator
View Bill [Home Page > Billing > Search Bill > Bill Number]
From the Search Result, Bill Number is a hyperlink, click on it View Bill Page is opened.
Purchase Bill details page is opned with the details as mentioned below. 1. Bill Number 2. Bill Date 3. Work Order Number 3. Project ID 4. Project Description 5. Location Invoice Details 6. Vendor Name 7. Vendor ID 8. Invoice Number 9. Invoice Date 10. Material Cost 11. GST Bill Details 12. Bill Amount 13. Deductions 14. Net Payable Relevant Documents Workflow Timelines
Bill Creator Bill Verifier Bill Approver
Wage Bill details page is opned with the details as mentioned below. 1. Bill Number 2. Bill Date 3. Work Order Number 3. Project ID 4. Project Description 5. Location Beneficiary Details 6. Muster Roll ID 7. Muster Roll Period Bill Details 8. Bill Amount 9. Net Payable Workflow Timelines
Bill Creator Bill Verifier Bill Approver
Supervision Bill details page is opned with the details as mentioned below. 1. Bill Number 2. Bill Date 3. Work Order Number 3. Project ID 4. Project Description 5. Location Beneficiary Details 6. CBO ID 7. CBO Name Bill Details 8. Bill Amount 9. Net Payable Workflow Timelines
Bill Creator Bill Verifier Bill Approver
Payment Advice [Home Page > Search Bill > Generate Advoice]
From the Home Page, click on the Payment Advice.
User is taken to search bill page with the options to Generate and Download Payment advice.
1. Search the bills and select the bills for which payment advice to be generated. 2. Click on the 'Generate Payment Advice'.
Success message is displayed and the payment advice is scheduled to be generated.
Payment Advice [Home Page > Search Bill > Download Advoice]
Click on the 'Download Payment Advice'.
User is able to see the download payment advice page with the all the scheduled payment advice listed.
Click on Download from the Payment Advice
Payment advice is download in excel
Landing Page
1. Language selection option is displayed and allowed to select any one of the 2 language English/ Odia. 2. Select a language and then continue, login page is dislayed.
User is able to select desired language and able to move to login page.
Login Page
Enter registered mobile number and then click on continue to login.
User is landed on Home Page with all the content displayed in the langugae selected.
Enter the any other mobile no. which is not registered and then click on continue.
Mobile number not registred validation message displyed.
My Works [Home Page > My Works]
From Home Page, click on My Works.
User is able to see all the work orders assigned listed in card view. Tagging "New" for the newly assigned work order.
Newly assigned work order has the option to accept and decline the work order is present.
1. On click of accept, work order is accepted and be remain with user's login. 2. On click of decline, work order is declined and removed from user's login.
Work order card view has the option to view work order details. Click on View Details link.
Complete work order details is shown with the option to download the work order PDF.
1. The accepted Work Order has the option to engage the wage seeker details. 2. Click on Engage Wage Seeker.
Engage wage seekers page is displayed with the option to search for wage seeker and engage it with the work.
1. From Engage Wage Seeker screen, search wage seeker and add them one by one. 2. Once all the wage seekers are added, click on submit.
Selected wage seekers are added and success message is displayed.
Track Attendance [Home Page > Track Attendance]
From Home Page, Click on Track Attendance.
User is able to see all the attendance registered for the works assigned listed in card view, option to update the attendance is provided.
Click on "Update Attendance".
User is able to see the Update Attendance screen with below details. 1. Work Order Number 2. Register ID 3. Project ID 4. Project Description 5. Individual Count 6. Start Date 7. End Date
Mark/ update the attendance of every wage seekers and click on Save as Draft.
Attendance is saved and success message is displayed.
Mark/ update the attendance of every wage seekers and click on Submit for Approval.
Attendance is saved, muster roll is generated and sent for verification/ approval to the project in-charge.
Create Estimate
View Estimate
Estimate PDF
Freight Import - Sales Transactions
Freight Import - POP Returns
Asset Integration
Gorilla import
NoCheck - New Signups
NoCheck - New Enrollments update vendors
CGB Co. - GP150
Harbor AR (GP150)
Freight Import - Receivings Transactions
Freight Import - Sales Transactions
Freight Import - POP Returns
G/L Import from Template
Asset Integration
Gorilla import
NoCheck - New Signups
NoCheck - New Enrollments update vendors
Riverbend Transport - GP250
Asset Integration
Gorilla import
NoCheck - New Signups
NoCheck - New Enrollments update vendors
A/P Import
A/R Import
Waterfront Marine Services, LLC - GP500
Harbor AR (500)
Asset Integration
Gorilla import
NoCheck - New Signups
NoCheck - New Enrollments update vendors
CGB Enterprises - GPENT
ADP Import
ADP Acrrual
Banking Intercompany
Journal Entry Intercompany
NoCheck Vendor Signup (To NoCheck)
NoCheck Vendor Receipt (From NoCheck)
Asset Integration
Gorilla import
NoCheck - New Signups
NoCheck - New Enrollments update vendors
GP Grain
Agris to GP Integration (for Corp Accountant)
Muster Rolls
From Home Page, Click on Muster Rolls.
User is able to see all the muster roll generated for the works assigned.
1. Muster rolls has the option to Vew Details. 2. Click on View Details.
Muster roll details is displayed with below information. 1. Muster Roll ID 2. Work Order Number 3. Project ID 4. Project Description 5. Muster Roll Period 6. Status 7. Show/ Hide Workflow Timelines 8. Attendance Table - Attendance details.
1. Muster rolls which are sent back for correction are displayed with the status Sent Back. 2. Edit option is displayed such muster rolls. 3. Click on Edit Muster Roll.
1. User is able to update the attendance for the wage seekers and Save as Draft. 2. User is also able to re-submit the muster roll to project in-charge for verification using the option "Re-submit Muster Roll".
Downloads [My Works > View Details > Download] [Muster Rolls > View Details > Download]
1. From Work Order Details Page, download option is provided. 2. Click on Download.
Work order is downloaded in PDF.
1. From Muster Roll Details Page, download option is provided. 2. Click on Download.
Muster roll is downloaded in PDF.
Register Wage Seeker [Home Page > Register Wage Seeker]
From Home Page, Click on Register Wage Seeker
Create Wage seekers Page is displayed with below details. 1. Aadhar Number 2. Name 3. Father/ Husband Name 4. Relationship 5. Date of birth 6. Gender 7. Social Category 8. Mobile Number 9. Skills 10. Photo Address Details 11. Pincode 12. City 13. Ward 14. Locality 15. Street Name 16. Door No. Financial Details 17. Account Holder's Name 18. Account Number 19. Account Type 20. IFSC
Fill all the details and then verfy the detail once on summary page. Submit to create the wage seekers record.
Wage seeker record is created and success page is displayed with wage seeker ID
My Bills
From Home Page, Click on My Bills
All the bills related to works assigned are displayed with Status.
Last updated
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