View Estimate


View Estimate

Search Estimate → View Estimate.



Role: All roles applicable to an employee user.


  1. To view the details of the saved Estimate, View Estimate Page is provided.

  2. Estimate is searched using the Search Estimate feature and then on click of Estimate No. view estimate page is opened with the below details displayed.


  • Estimate No.

  • Estimate Type

  • Project ID

  • Date of Proposal

  • Project Name

  • Project Description

  • Project Details [ The project details are shown as view project detail in a separate TAB]

  • Estimation Details

    1. Line Items - Below information is displayed in the grid.

      • Description

      • UOM

      • Rate

      • Quantity

      • Amount

    2. Total - Grid total.

    3. Overheads - Below information is displayed in the grid.

      • Overhead

      • Percentage/ Lump-sum

      • Amount

    4. Total - Grid Total

    5. Total Estimated Amount

  • Material and Labour Analysis

    1. Labour Cost

    2. Material Cost

  • Attachments

    1. Detailed Estimate

    2. Labour Analysis

    3. Material Analysis

    4. Design Document

  • Timelines [DIGIT standard way of displaying the timelines, refer to wire-frame and as described in workflow story]

  • Actions - Based on the workflow state and role the logged-in user has.


Not applicable.


Not applicable.


  • For In Workflow Estimates, actions in the Action Menu, workflow actions based on the role of the logged-in user.

    1. Verify and Forward,

    2. Technical Sanction

    3. Approve

    4. Send Back

    5. Send Back To Originator

    6. Edit Estimate

    7. Reject

  • For Approved Estimates, actions in the Action Menu, actions based on the role of the logged-in user.

    1. Create Work Order - If the estimate is not created.

    2. View Work Order - If the work order is created and not in Rejected status.

    3. Create Revised Estimate - In V2.

    4. Create Deviation Statement- In V2.

  • Rejected - No actions/ even action button is not displayed.


Not applicable.

User Interface

Acceptance Criteria

Acceptance CriteriaDescription


Estimate details are displayed as described in the story.


Actions are enabled as per the estimated workflow state and role of the logged-in user.

Last updated

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