Estimate Approve Workflow


Approve estimates


Estimate Approver



  • For the approval of an estimate, action Approve is provided and the below-given detail is captured in a pop-window on approval.

    1. Comments - This is a text and non-mandatory field. Users can add any remarks or comments.

    2. Attach Supporting Document - This is a non-mandatory field. Users can attach and upload supporting documents.

    3. Approve - This is an action button.

    4. Cancel - This is an action button.

  • On Approve,

    1. The estimate is approved.

    2. Approve pop-up window is closed, a toast success message is displayed and the view estimate page is refreshed.

    3. Workflow state changes as given below.

RoleFrom StateTo StateStatus

Estimate Approver

Pending for approval



  • On cancel, the toast cancel message is displayed.

Toast Success Message:

The estimate is administratively approved successfully.

Failure Message:

Approval of estimate failed.

Toast Cancel Message:

Action is cancelled.


SMS to the estimate creator

Estimate <estimate no.> for the project <projectname> of the location <location> is approved. For more details log in to MUKTASoft to view the estimate details.


Acceptance Criteria

Acceptance CriteriaDescription


On approval, estimate workflow state changes accordingly.


On approval, a notification is sent to the estimate creator.

Last updated

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