Create Wage Bill


Provide users with the option to create wage bills.



Role: Bill Creator


On Create

  1. Bill record gets saved into the system, and attains a workflow state ‘Approved’.

  2. Bill No. is generated in a specified format.

  3. Format for Work Bill No. is WB-FY-<6digitrunningno.>. Example: WB/2022-23/000051

  4. Bill is available to download in PDF as per the given format. There will be a separate ticket for PDF download.


  1. A wage bill is created for the wages paid to wage seekers.

  2. The wage bill is created automatically on approval of the muster roll.

  3. To calculate the wage amount and the payee detail muster roll is considered as input.

  4. A success toast message is displayed on the creation of the bill.

  5. To view the bill details bill is searched and then view.


Not applicable.


Not applicable.


Standard Deductions

Not applicable.


Not applicable.

User Interface

No UI is needed.

Acceptance Criteria

Last updated

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