Pilot Sucess Metrics

Traget Measure (45 Days After Go-Live)


#Projects Created Vs Projects Approved

Projects Created - Count of the projects created in the MUKTASoft

Projects Approved - Count of the projects which are identified and finalized by the ULB committee upto 1 week before till the completion of pilot.

80% or 5 projects whichever is higher


#Estimates Approved Vs Projects Created

Estimate approved - Count of estimates approved in the MUKTASoft against a project

Projects Created - Count of the projects created in the MUKTASoft, upto 2 weeks before the completion of pilot.

80% or 4 projects whichever is higher


#Work Orders Accepted Vs Projects initiated on ground*

Work Order Accepted - Count of work orders issued and accepted by CBOs.

Projects initiated on ground. Count of projects where work has been initiated on ground, as on the date of completion of pilot.

80% or 3 projects whichever is higher


#Wage seekers engaged

Wage seekers engaged - Count of wage seekers engaged by the CBOs for the work orders accepted , upto 3 weeks before the completion of pilot.

100% wage seekers registered for applicable work orders


#Muster Rolls Approved Vs Project Period In Weeks

Muster rolls Approved - Muster roll created and approved.

Project Period (In Weeks) - Total period of all the accepted projects initiated upto 2 weeks before the completion of pilot.

50% or 5 muster rolls whichever is lower


Bill Created (INR) Vs Bill Paid (INR)

Bill Created - Total value of bills created and due for payment Bill Paid - Total value of bills cleared payments

80% of value of bills created

Last updated

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