Search SOR


Search Schedule of Rates

Home > Schedule of Rates > Search SOR





  1. Search SOR to be provided to list all the SORs.

  2. There are various search parameters to search such a SOR.

Search Logic

  1. At least one parameter is required to perform the search.

  2. Consider From Date and To Date as a Date Range single parameter.

  3. Exact search is performed for the values entered/selected.

  4. In case multiple parameters values are supplied AND is applied for searching record.

  5. By default active SORs are searched and currently effective rates are displayed.

Search Result


  1. Search - To perform the search based on the parameters entered.

  2. Clear - To clear the values entered for search.

  3. SOR Code - Hyperlink to view the SOR detail on mouse click. View SOR display the searched rate with SOR details on View Page.

  1. Search result is displayed.

  2. Option to download search result in excel is provided.

  3. Pagination is provided to displayed 10 record at a time.


Not applicable.


Not applicable.


Not applicable.

User Interface

Acceptance Criteria

  1. Search is provided with the search parameters mentioned and the result is displayed as mentioned.

  2. On click of SOR code, searched rate is displayed with SOR details on View SOR Page.

  3. Pagination and option to download the searched result into excel is provided.

Last updated

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