Create MB


Create Detailed Measurement Book

Home > Measurement Book> MB Inbox > Create MB


ULB: MB Creator


  1. A detailed measurement book creation screen to be provided.

  2. From view work order page, action Create MB is provided.

  3. The attributes defining detailed measurement are given in below table.


  1. Save as Draft - It is to save the details captured for detailed MB and keeping it with creator.

  2. Generate Utilization- Generate the utilization statement out of saved detailed MB details.

  3. Submit - It is to allow the user to forward the MB for verification.

  4. View Utilization Statements - It will take the user to view utilization statement HTML page.

  5. View MB History - To display all the MBs created so far as per the detail provided in the table above.

On Save as Draft

  1. MB is created with the details provided.

  2. If it is first time, MB number and MB reference number are generated as per the format provided.

  3. Success toast message is displayed and page is loaded again in editable mode with the details saved.

  4. MB gets assigned to the creator and made available in his/her inbox with the state Drafted.

  5. On open from inbox, its get opened in editable mode same as edit estimate.

On Submit

  1. This action is enabled for saved (Drafted) MB only.

  2. The MB details are saved.

  3. Utilization statements are revised.

  4. MB is forwarded to verifier.

  5. Success page is displayed with success message.

On Generate Utilization

  1. First time, this action is enabled for saved (Drafted) MB only.

  2. The utilization is generated and success toast message is displayed.

  3. View Analysis Statements link is enabled.

Utilization statements are generated successfully.

Utilization statements generation failed.


  1. MB period shall follow the muster roll period for each project.

  2. Only active SORs and active and effective rates are displayed on search SOR.

  3. All the intermediate calculated figures are rounded up-to 2 decimal places.

  4. All the measurements can be entered into up-to 4 decimal places.


MB Number

MB/FY: yyyy-yy/SEQUENCE (6 Digits)


MB Reference Number

MB/FY: yyyy-yy/SEQUENCE (6 Digits)/ XX

Here XX 2 digit running sequence no.



Not applicable

User Interface

First MB

Second Onward

Acceptance Criteria

  1. MB form is designed as per the wire-frame provided.

  2. Each MB entry goes for approval.

  3. Measurements entered are allowed to be captured up to 4 decimal places.

  4. The amount calculated is rounded up to 2 decimal places.

  5. Attachment section to attach the site photos.

Last updated

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