

The statements service is used to generate and save the statement. The business logic for both types of statements differs based on the request. Hence, there are 4 APIs (2- Create and 2- Search).

MUKTASoft provides two types of statements: Analysis Statements and Utilization Statements.

Analysis Statement

  • Purpose: Generated for estimates already created and present in the system.

  • Accessibility: Employees can view the Analysis Statement from the estimate view screen.

  • Linkage: The statement is linked to the specific estimate for which it is generated.

Utilization Statement

  • Purpose: Generated for measurement books already created and present in the system.

  • Accessibility: Employees can view the Utilization Statement from the measurement view screen.

  • Linkage: The statement is linked to the specific measurement for which it is generated.


  • DIGIT backbone services

  • Persister

  • MDMSV2

  • IDgen

  • Rate Analysis

  • Estimate

  • Measurement Book

  • Contract

Sequence Diagram

API Specifications

DB Diagram

Last updated

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