Kibana Dashboard User Manual

MUKTASoft v2.1 Dashboard


Welcome to the Dashboard User Manual. This manual provides an overview of the features and functionalities of the dashboard interface to help you navigate effectively.

Access Dashboard

To access the dashboard, open your web browser and enter the URL provided. Once on the homepage, navigate to the dashboard section and select the specific dashboard you wish to view.

Dashboard Layout

The dashboard is organized into several sections:

ULB Filter

Positioned below the header, the filter bar allows you to apply the ULB filters to the data displayed on the dashboard. Filters help you narrow down the data according to specific ULBs.

Date Filter

The date filter bar allows you to apply the date filters to the data displayed on the dashboard. Filters help you narrow down the data according to a specific time based on seconds, minutes, hours, days, weeks, months, and years.

Overview Tab

In the Overview tab, you can find numeric figures representing various metrics or data points. These figures provide a quick summary of key information without the need to delve into detailed charts or graphs. They offer a snapshot of the most important aspects of the data at a glance, allowing users to quickly assess the current status or performance of the system, project, or process being monitored.


Performance Tab

The Performance tab offers several Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) designed to gauge the performance of Urban Local Bodies (ULBs). These KPIs serve as benchmarks to assess various aspects of ULB operations and effectiveness. Additionally, it enables users to rank ULBs based on specific parameters, allowing for comparisons and the identification of top performers. This feature enables stakeholders to evaluate the performance of ULBs and identify areas for improvement or recognition.


Performance Metrics

In the Performance tab, users can rank Urban Local Bodies (ULBs) based on specific parameters. These parameters facilitate comparisons among ULBs and help identify top performers. The parameters include:

  1. Number of onboarded Projects

  2. Number of work orders issued

  3. Value of work orders issued

  4. Total amount paid

  5. Conversion rate of projects into work orders

  6. Project execution rate

  7. Muster roll approval, average time

  8. Payment success rate

By analyzing ULBs based on these parameters, stakeholders can gain insights into their performance and efficiency across various operational dimensions.

Workflow Tab

This tab provides a comprehensive overview of the current status of various elements involved in the project cycle. By leveraging pie charts, users can quickly grasp the proportion of work items in different statuses (e.g., Pending, In Progress, Completed).


Work Orders

Measurement Books

Muster Rolls



Payments Tab

The Payments tab on the dashboard is designed to provide detailed insights into fund utilization and payment distribution. This explains the various components and visualizations available on this tab.


Head-wise Payments and Payment Success Rate

  1. Description: These line charts display the payments made and the success rate of payments over time.

  2. Frequency:

    • Monthly Basis

    • Weekly Basis

Payment Instruction-wise Payments

  1. Description: This bar chart shows the payments made according to the type of Payment Instruction.

  2. Types:

    • Original Payment Instruction

    • Revised Payment Instruction

  3. Frequency:

    • Monthly Basis

    • Weekly Basis

Gender-wise Monthly Payments

  1. Description: This stacked bar chart displays the payments made to different gender categories.

  2. Categories:

    • Male

    • Female

    • Transgender

    • Not Specified

  3. Frequency:

    • Monthly Basis

    • Weekly Basis

Wage Seekers Registered and Benefited

  1. Description: This stacked bar chart shows the number of wage seekers registered in the system and those who have received payments.

  2. Categories:

    • Wage Seekers Registered

    • Wage Seekers Benefited

  3. Frequency:

    • Monthly Basis

    • Weekly Basis

Payment Instruction (PI) Failure Reasons

  1. Description: This stacked bar chart categorizes the reasons for payment instruction failures.

  2. Frequency:

    • Monthly Basis

    • Weekly Basis

Last updated

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