My Bills
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On this page:
The bills related to works assigned to a CBO are listed under My Bills.
Register wage seeker service allows the CBO user to enter the wage seeker details into MUKTASoft who are working for them.
To view different types of bills -
Step 1: Click on the My Bills option. The screen will list all types of bills along with their status.
There are two types of requests raised by CBOs.
Request to close the project
Request for more time to finish the work which is known as time extension.
Once these requests raised by CBOs are forwarded for approval, the same can be viewed and tracked under My Requests.
To view and track the requests raised -
Step 1: Click on the My Requests option.
To add a register a wage seeker -
Step 1: Tap on the Register Wage Seeker option on the home page.
Step 2: Fill in the individual details. The fields marked with an asterisk is mandatory and cannot be left blank.
Step 3: Enter the details on the form as indicated.
Upload a photograph. The supported file formats are png, jpg, and jpeg. The max file size should not exceed 5MB.
Step 4: Enter the Address Details. Click on Next.
Step 5: Enter the bank account-related information on the Financial Details page.
Make sure to check and confirm the details before clicking on the Next button.
Step 6: Re-check all details displayed on the Summary Details page.
Step 7: Click on the Edit icon in the corresponding section where you want to make the changes.
Step 8: Click on the Submit button to save the wage seeker details.
The Wage Seeker registration is successful acknowledgement is displayed on the screen. The Wage Seeker ID is also displayed on the page.
Click on the Back to Home button to navigate to the home page.