Work Orders

The Work Orders display all accepted work orders - accepted by the CBO in a card view with options to filter and sort.

View Work Orders

Home Page > Work Orders

Step 1: On the Home Page, click on Work Orders

The work orders list is displayed.

Filter Work Orders

The work orders page, by default, displays all accepted and not completed work orders.

Enter the below filters to view specific results:

  1. Work order number

  2. CBO Name

  3. Ward

Sort work orders

The work orders can be sorted on the below parameters:

  1. End Date

  2. Start Date

  3. Issue Date

  4. Amount – Low to high

  5. Amount - High to low

  6. CBO Name

Select the relevant parameter to sort the view results.

View Details

It enables the user to view the complete work order details and then take action to create a measurement book (MB).

Create Measurement Book

It enables the user to create a measurement book and navigate to the measurement book create page.

All content on this page by eGov Foundation is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.