Search and View Detailed Estimate


View Detailed Estimate

Search Estimate → View Estimate.


No change.


  1. There is no change in existing search estimate.

  2. Changes are for the attributes added newly.


  1. Estimate Number

  2. Estimate Type

  3. Project ID

  4. Project Sanction Date

  5. Project Name

  6. Project Description

  7. Project Details [*The project details is shown as view project detail in a separate TAB*]

  8. Estimation Details

  9. SORs - Below information is displayed in the grid.

    1. Type

    2. Code

    3. Description

    4. UOM

    5. Rate

    6. Quantity

    7. Amount

      1. Measurements

        1. Type

        2. Description

        3. Numbers

        4. Length

        5. Breath

        6. Height/ Depth

        7. Quantity

        8. Total


Not applicable.


Not applicable.


  1. For In Workflow Estimates, actions in Action Menu, workflow actions based on the role of logged-in user.

    1. Save as Draft

    2. Verify and Forward,

    3. Technical Sanction

    4. Approve

    5. Send Back

    6. Send Back To Originator

    7. Edit Estimate

    8. Reject


Not applicable.

User Interface

Same as create estimate in real only mode.

Acceptance Criteria

  1. Estimate details is displayed as described in the story.

  2. Actions are enabled as per the estimate workflow state and role logged-in user has.

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