Work Order PDF
Generate a pdf copy of the work order.
The Work Order PDF has 6 main sections.
Header - Municipality Info and Work Order No. and Amount.
Work order is addressed to either JE/AE or CBO.
The subject section
The content of the work order body
The work order issue detail
Footer - Terms and Conditions
In case the CBO role is defined as the Implementation Agency
The work order is addressed to CBO only.
<Officer Incharge/ CBO> ---> <CBO Name>
<Implementation Agency/ Implementation Partner> ---> <Implementation Agency>
In case the CBO role is defined as Implementation Partner
The work order is addressed to JE and CBO both, JE’s name comes first.
<Officer Incharge/ CBO> ---> <Officer In-charge Name>
<Implementation Agency/ Implementation Partner> ---> <Implementation Partner>
Other variables -
SLA Days - maximum days are given to CBO to accept the work order.
Due Date - Work order approval date + SLA Days
User Interface
Acceptance Criteria
Design should be as per Figma.
Conditions are fulfilled.
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