MUKTA Services


MUKTA Services is an intermediary service that bridges the gap between the API and client requests. It helps Clients/UI to gather all the required information from different services.


  • MDMS

  • Estimates

  • Muster Roll

  • Contract

  • Measurement




Role Action

API EndPointsRoles



Flow Diagram

Measurement Create Criteria

This service handles all the measurement creation criteria and helps the UI consolidate all information. The measurement period is calculated in the mukta-services based on the same criteria.

        "reference": "CONTRACT", //this criteria is for the measurement created using contract
        "period": 7, // default measurement period 
        "contractStatus":"ACTIVE", // measurement can be created if the referenced contract is in the following status
        "measurementWorkflowStatus": "APPROVED", // measurement can be created if previously created measurement in this status
        "enableMeasurementAfterContractEndDate":false, // measurement can be created even if the contract has expired
        "active": true

Measurement Response

The measurement response would be based on the config which transforms the final consolidated object of Estimate, Contract, measurement, and Muster roll into the user-requested object.

            "path": "contract",   // reponse objects path
            "jsonPath": "$.contract"  // path from the consolidated object

Last updated

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