Send Back To Originator


Send the work order back to the originator’s inbox for any correction required.




  1. It is provided to send the work order back to the originator’s inbox for any correction required. Below given detail is captured.

    • Comments - Text area - Non-mandatory - It is provided to add any remarks/ instructions to be passed to the originator of the work order.

    • Attach Supporting Document - Document upload - Non-mandatory - In case any documents are to be attached while sending the work order back to the originator.

    • Send Back - Action Button

    • Cancel - Action Button

  2. On Send Back -

    • The pop-up window is closed and a toast success message is displayed.

    • The view work order page is refreshed and the actions menu is loaded according to the role the logged-in user has.

    • The work order is placed into the work order creator’s inbox.

    • The ‘Edit Work Order’ option is provided to Work Order Creator to edit the work order and attached the new documents files and Re-submit it.

    • Workflow state changes as given below.

RoleFrom StateTo StateStatus

<roles having access to send back to originator>

<Current Status>

Pending for correction

Sent Back

  1. On cancel, the pop-up window is closed, toast cancel message is displayed on the view work order page.

Toast Success Message:

Work order has been sent back to the creator successfully.

Failure Message:

Sending back of work order is failed.

Toast Cancel Message:

Action has been cancelled.


Not applicable.

User Interface

Acceptance Criteria

Acceptance Criteria


The work order is moved to Work Order Creator’s inbox.


Work Order Creator- Edit Work Order action is enabled to edit the work order.


Workflow state changes as mentioned in the ticket.

All content on this page by eGov Foundation is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.