

Estimate Service allows users to create estimates and forward them for Workflow approval to higher authorities across departments for technical, financial, and admin sanctions. A prepared estimate can then be tendered out for contracting.


  • Project

  • MDMS

  • Workflow

  • Notification

  • Access Control

  • User

  • IDGen

  • mdmsV2

  • Contract Service

  • Measurement Service

Key Functionalities

  • Create/update/search for Work estimates for a project.

  • Allows upload of offline documents related to estimate creation as part of Create.

  • Workflow and inbox integration

  • Create/update/search for Work Revised Estimate for an existing approved estimate.




API Spec

Base Path: /estimates/

API spec

Postman Collection

Postman collection for this service is available here.


Helm chart

Master Data

Master NameSample DataDescription


            "id": "1",
            "code": "SC",
            "description": "Supervision Charge",
            "active": true,
            "type": "percentage",
            "value": "7.5",
            "effectiveFrom": 1682164954037,
            "effectiveTo": null

Contains the overhead charges applicable on an estimate.


- Sample data for SOR

"id": "SOR_000188",
"uom": "Nos",
"sorType": "W",
"quantity": 1000,
"sorSubType": "NA",
"sorVariant": "NA",
"description": "1000 Bricks for constructing any wall of length 10*10*10"

Contains a comprehensive list of items and rates defined by the department. To be used in preparation of an estimate.

SOR Rates

- Sample data for Rates

    "rate": 989,
    "sorId": "SOR_000152",
    "validTo": "1697846400000",
    "validFrom": "1697587200000",
    "amountDetails": [
                            "type": "fixed",
                            "heads": "MH.2",
                            "amount": 979

Contains a comprehensive list of items and rates defined by the department. To be used in preparation of an estimate.


"Category": [
      "name": "Overhead",
      "code": "OVERHEAD",      
	   "active": true
      "name": "SOR",
      "code": "SOR",      
	   "active": true
      "name": "non-SOR",
      "code": "NON-SOR",      
	   "active": true

Contains the category of all items. - SOR - NON-SOR - OVERHEAD



Contains the unit of measurement for all categories.

Last updated

All content on this page by eGov Foundation is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.