Mukta Dashboard

UI Tech Documentation for UI Enhancements in Dashboard (DSS)

Here's a list of Enhancements Made in DSS

Pie Chart Enhancements

  • Sample config for the same is shown below:

  • There was a requirement in Mukta Dashboard to render pie charts in the following way. Refer the attached screenshot:

  • In the MasterDashboardConfig.json we defined a flag called variant for pieChart

  • In order to use this enhancement we need to use "variant":"pieChartv2"

  • This pie chart component was enhanced to show colored legends below, percentages in each pie and total number of applications in the center of the pie.

  • Sample config for the same is shown below:

              "id": 502,
              "name": "DSS_MUKTA_PENDING_BILLS",
              "dimensions": {
                "height": 250,
                "width": 4
              "label": "",
              "vizType": "chart",
              "isCollapsible": false,
              "charts": [
                  "id": "pendingBillsByBillNumberType",
                  "name": "DSS_MUKTA_PENDING_BILLS_BY_BILL_NUMBER_TYPE",
                  "code": "",
                  "chartType": "donut",
                  "filter": "",
                  "headers": [],
                  "tabName": "Number"
                  "id": "pendingBillsByBillAmountType",
                  "name": "DSS_MUKTA_PENDING_BILLS_BY_BILL_AMOUNT_TYPE",
                  "code": "",
                  "chartType": "donut",
                  "filter": "",
                  "headers": [],
                  "tabName": "Amount"

Horizontal Chart Enhancements (New Metric component to show the KPI's in horizontal way)

  • There was a requirement in Mukta Dashboard to show KPIs in the form of horizontal bar charts. Refer the attached screenshot:

  • In MasterDashboardConfig.json we defined a boolean flag called “horizontalBarv2”

  • Set this flag to true if you want to show the chart in this way.

  • Counts of each bar are shown at the side of the bar, labels can be customized.

New Metric component to show the KPI's in horizontal way:

  • There was a requirement in the MUKTA Dashboard to show KPIs in a horizontal way. Refer to the sample screenshot below:

  • KPIs are shown in horizontal manner along with their description, aligned vertically to them.

  • In MasterDashboardConfig we defined a boolean flag “isHorizontalChart”. Set this to true to make use of this enhancement.

  • Icons are customizable and are defined in the MasterDashboardConfig itself.


Employee Role: STADMIN


The Existing Global Config is to be updated, following flag is to be removed.

In the invalidEmployeeRoles array STADMIN role should be removed to use Mukta dashboard

Last updated