#Projects Created Vs Projects Approved
Projects Created - Count of the projects created in the MUKTASoft Projects Approved - Count of the projects which are identified and finalized by the ULB committee within 5 weeks since initiation of Pilot
80% or 5 projects whichever is higher
#Estimates Approved Vs Projects Created
Estimate Approved - Count of estimates created and approved in the MUKTASoft against a project Projects Created - Count of the projects created in the MUKTASoft within 4 weeks since initiation of Pilot
80% or 4 projects whichever is higher
#Work Orders Accepted Vs Estimates Approved
Work Order Accepted - Count of work orders issued and accepted by CBOs. Estimate Approved - Count of estimates created and approved in the MUKTASoft against a project within 3 weeks since initiation of Pilot
80% or 3 projects whichever is higher
#Wage seekers engaged
Wage seekers engaged - Count of wage seekers engaged by the CBOs for the work orders accepted within 3 weeks since initiation of pilot.
100% wage seekers registered for applicable work orders
#Muster Rolls Approved Vs Project Period In Weeks
Muster rolls Approved - Muster roll created and approved. Project Period (In Weeks) - Total period of all the accepted projects initiated within 4 weeks since pilot go-live
50% or 5 muster rolls whichever is lower
Bill Created (INR) Vs Bill Paid (INR)
Bill Created - Total value of bills created and due for payment Bill Paid - Total value of bills cleared payments
Target to be decided based if and when JIT integration is completed within the pilot duration