An estimate proposal is the simplest form of estimate that is created to start detailing the scope and financial aspects of a project.
An estimate proposal contains
Administrative details (Department, Work type, Work Category etc)
Financial Details (Fund, Function, Budget heads COA etc)
Work Details (Name of the work, estimated amount)
Processing details (Approving department, Approver designation)
Modify Estimate and Re-Submit Estimate
An Estimate proposal that is rejected by any user in the workflow will reach creators inbox.
Creator has to make necessary changes and resubmit the Proposal
A Rejected Proposal will have status as Rejected in Creators Inbox.
Clicking on Estimate ID from inbox will open estimates view page.
Clicking Actions-> Modify Estimate will make page editable
Except Date of Proposal everything will be editable. Estimate Proposal ID which is generated initially shown in modify screen.
From here on the flow is same as that of Create Estimate. Once this Estimate is submitted it is again moved to the respective Checker's inbox for approval. Estimate can be rejected any number of times due to any specific reason which can be mentioned in the comments and the same comments are reflected in the View Estimate screen.
Upon Successful update relevant acknowledgement screen displayed.
An Estimate that is approved and sent to next stage wont be editable.
Create an Estimate Proposal
When creating a works module, the module needs to be enabled in citymodule.json.
Add the Following details in citymodule.json
Estimate Creator will have link to create estimate from estimate inbox screen.
Clicking on this will open create estimate screen.
Add the following MDMS config to fetch the values of different dropdown filed of create estimate
Once the above details are filled, user needs to forward estimate to concerned department and official for checking. Forwarding is considered as part of estimate creation.Fill in the details and click “Forward Estimate”.
Each Work detail will be referred to as Sub-Estimate & sub Estimate will back track to all details of Estimate as-is. At least 1 Sub-Estimate has to be created to create an Estimate. Sum of All Amounts of Sub-Estimates is the Estimate Amount.
Once Create Estimate API call is successful, an acknowledgement screen is shown.
API Call Roll action-mapping
Some of the dropdown data is fetched from mdms and hrms search API
Executing Department
[ { "name": "Department" } ]
Ward, Location
[ { "name": "TenantBoundary" }]
Beneficiary, Nature of Work, Type of Work
[ { "name": "BeneficiaryType" },
{ "name": "EntrustmentMode" },
{ "name": "NatureOfWork" },
{ "name": "TypeOfWork" }, ]
Fund, Function, Budget Head,Scheme, subSchem
[ { "name": "BudgetHead" },
{ "name": "Functions" },
{ "name": "Fund" },
{ "name": "Scheme"} ]
Designation of officer in charge
Name of officer in charge
Localization keys are added under the ‘rainmaker-works’ locale module. In future if any new labels are implemented in works module that should also be pushed in the locale DB under rainmaker-works locale module. Below is the example of few locale labels for hindi and English.
Create/Edit(Rejected) Estimate and Forawrded
Checket1 (EST_CHECKER)
Checked Estimate and Forwarded
Checker2 (EST_TECH_SANC)
Checked Estimate and Forwarded
Admin Approver (EST_ADMIN_SANC)
Approved Estimate
User should be able to create → Forward (or) check → Forward/Reject an estimate.
Once the Estimate are created they will move to the respective checker and approver's inbox as pending items.
From Estimate Proposal Inbox, User can come into Estimate View Screen where Details of Estimate present while creating the estimate and Workflow history will be displayed.
User can take necessary actions by clicking on Actions Menu.
Sample ProcessInstance Worflow Object as given below:
An Action bar on the View Estimate Screen shows the list of actions
Forward Estimate
Reject Estimate
Modify Estimate
Approve Estimate
When any action is clicked respective popup is rendered according to the selected action. We have created three popups for approve, forward and reject. They are shown below
When these popups are submitted, Update Estimate API is called containing the relevant updates in the workflow object contained in request body. Estimate service internally calls the workflow service and updates the status of application.
Users must have the respective roles for taking actions on the Estimate, Otherwise the Action Bar will not be visible. And users can only take actions on the applications assigned to them.
Upon successful update a response screen is displayed as follows
CHECK (Check and Forward) / REJECT